Artifact-free and generally clean of grain or major problems, the image is very cel-like and captures all the proper visual artistry of the hand-drawn work. Image Transfer Review: Pioneer has always done a pretty good job with their transfers, and this is no exception. It is the interaction between all these players that forms most of the charm to the show, and there's so much to see and do (along with plenty of action) there's never a dull or 'filler' moment. Unfortunately, others are searching for it too, including a mysterious female assassin and an interstellar detective (who's so bad at her job she's essentially disowned by her home planet) named Aisha ClanClan, who is a weird half-cat, half-girl hybrid, known as a Ctarl-Ctarl. Ultimately, as the story evolves, Gene realizes his goal is to discover the "Galactic Leyline," the source of a rumored treasure in space and what the Pirate guilds have beenseeking for ages. Regardless of the time period, though, the concept of outlaws wandering their world searching for missions to take on or bad guys to get rid of is timeless. Of course, the difference is, it's all set in outer space amongst the outposts and stations all over the universe.
The series is very much like a Western, with some similar situations and general nods to that genre. While the series takes a little while to get going into its core story, that actually turns out to be a good thing since it allows the viewer to get to know the characters, the situations, and become immersed in its world. The balance is near-perfect between all these factors, and it really makes an obvious effect on the show. Outlaw Star is one of the finest anime programs out there, succeeding mainly because of its fast-paced action, wonderful character chemistry, great comedy, and cliffhanger plots. Gene christens his new craft the "Outlaw Star" and vows to set off on his own adventure to discover what Hilda was searching for amongst the stars. Why is Hilda trying to unite this special starship with Melfina? Gene and Jim will quest to find out, because when the Kei Pirates successfully assassinate Hilda, they are left to their own devices with a powerful spacecraft, a strange girl, and a host of new enemies. What is known, though, is that Melfina has the ability to mentally bond with a special kind of spaceship and serve as its navigational core. It starts when Hilda's mysterious package (for which she wants protection) turns out to be some kind of biomechanically manufactured girl, Melfina, whose purpose is unknown.

On top of discovering the wonders of space travel, Gene and Jim are both about to have their lives changed forever. Gene is unsure why these pirates are pursuing Hilda, but in the process, he is forced to travel with her into space, something he's never done before. He soon finds out this secretive woman is actually being hunted by one of the largest and deadliest gangs of space pirates. All this changes, though, when Gene is hired as a temporary bodyguard for a mysterious space pilot named Hilda. They also make money by killing off wanted criminals who have high bounties on their heads. The pair operate a sort of jack-of-all-trades business, hiring themselves out for all sorts of jobs from being bodyguards to locating obscure, expensive technology. Set in the future when space-travel is a regular part of life and most of the universe is charted and inhabited, the plot concerns Gene Starwind and Jim Hawkings. Perfect Collection is simply the originally published 3 volumes of the entire series put into box format, but it makes a great way to experience the show in one dose. Dramatically, Outlaw Star might not be challenging any frontiers, but it's fun, and that seems to be what really counts. Like a stylish Western set in outer space, the show knows very much where it's going, what it wants to accomplish, and that it wants to be intense.
It is for this reason that Outlaw Star stands out in a crowd of sci-fi adventure anime, because it so thoroughly embodies that pulp-fiction aspect of classic serial storytelling. Sci-fi shows, whether live-action or animated, seem to have latched on to a certain method that no longer resembles that episodic atmosphere. MPAA Rating: Not Rated for (violence, language, nudity)ĭVD ReviewSerial adventure stories are one of the great, classic forms of storytelling, but it's a style that's not seen often enough these days. Stars: Shigeru Shibuya, Ayako Kawasumi, Rica Matsumoto, Yuri Sa "Go and meet your destiny, Gene Starwind!!"